2023 CCA @ Parkside Church
Dates: 2/17/2023 - 2/18/2023


 Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

February 17-18, 2023


 Tournament Fees:

Team Debate:


$70 per team




Individual Events:


$30 for 1st event, $5 for each additional event


Junior Varsity (JV)



Junior (JR)


Please verify your fees before you checkout

Make sure you have the correct total when you go to PayPal

Any issues, please contact the Tournament Director at RobertSmith.CCA@gmail.com


 Events Offered:


Varsity Team Debate



Individual Events (I.E.)






    Interpretation Genre:



Dramatic Interpretation



     Limited Preparation Genre: 



Extemporaneous Apologetics


News Analysis



     Public Address Genre:   






Junior Varsity (JV):

JV Prose


JV Informative



Junior (JR):

JR Prose

Sweepstakes:  For Varsity Division only.  To be eligible for Sweepstakes competition, the I.E. competitor shall compete in three (3) events, with one (1) from each genre (Interpretation, Limited Preparation, and Public Address).


 I.E. Entry Limits:

  • Each 14-18 year old Varsity competitor is limited to participation in a total of three (3) Individual Events
  • Each 13 year-old Varsity competitor is limited to participation in a total of two (2) Individual Events
  • Impromptu Reminder: According to the IE Division Eligibility document on the CCA website:  

"Beginning with the 2022 season, Varsity students will be limited to 2 consecutive seasons of competing in Impromptu at one or more CCA tournaments per season."

This means that if you competed in impromptu last year, this is your only other year you can compete in impromptu. If this is your first year competing in impromptu, you will only be able to compete in impromptu this year and next.

  • Each Junior Varsity and Junior competitor is limited to one (1) Individual Event
  • “I.E. Competitor Divisions and Event Eligibility” are available here



  • Lunches are available for purchase at nearby restaurants and grocery stores (Jersey Mikes, Chipotle, McDonald’s, Walmart, and Target are a few minutes away).  Although local fast food is available, it is highly recommended that healthy snacks and water bottles be brought to the tournament for quick nourishment between rounds.
  • You are welcome to bring your own cooler for food
  • Fellowship time is being offered on Friday evening at the nearby Chick-Fil-A (6150 SOM Center Rd, Solon, OH 44139; 14 mins; 4 miles). To attend this time of fellowship, register on the Meal tab so we can have a headcount.


Tournament Address:  

               Parkside Church - 7100 Pettibone Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023


Emergency Phone Numbers (during tournament only):

Tournament Director (TD):

Mr. Smith

(440) 665-1006

Judge Coordinator:

Mrs. Naylor

(330) 234-6245


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