2023 CCA @ Malone University
Dates: 5/12/2023 - 5/13/2023


An adequate judge pool is essential to a successful tournament. We need parents to faithfully be available to judge when needed and to recruit and show appreciation to our our guest judges.

We will need many guest judges from the community for our  tournament at Malone, so we ask that families recruit as many guest judges as possible. We would especially welcome alumni judges!

 Judge Requirements for Each Family:

Team Debate

1 judge per debate team (maximum 2 per family)*

IE Speech

1 judge per speech competitor  (maximum 2 per family)*

 *Hosting clubs have additional judge recruiting requirements. Prime, CSDC, STA & Theophilus members: Please recruit guest judges from the North Canton and surrounding areas.

To aid with recruiting, here is a flyer to share with those whom you invite to judge.  It contains the volunteer times, events available, and a link to the registration page.

Parent Judges:

  • All attending parents must register on the Tournament Student Registration “Judges” tab (not the Guest Judges section). Parents, you should register even if you are in a tournament staff position and even if you intend to recruit other judges. This enables us to have name tags for all parents in attendance.
  • Parents are expected to be available to judge for the entire tournament. If this is not possible, then Guest Judges must be recruited to cover this need.
  • To fulfill your family’s judge requirements, first register both parents as judges and then recruit guest judges. Alumni and older siblings should not be registered as Parent Judges, but as Guest Judges.
  • Your parent judge registration must be completed before the student registrations close on April 20, 2023, at 7:00PM. (However, Guest Judge registration is open until May 8th.)

Guest Judges:

  • Guest Judges are anyone other than a parent of a competing studentOlder siblings and alumni should register as Guest Judges.
  • Guest Judges register using the “Guest Judge Registration” tab on the website (different from the Parent Judge registration tab).
  • Special Instructions for Alumni:  Please include the following in the “Notes” section of your registration:  1) the club with which you competed, 2) your last year of competition (e.g., 2020), and 3) any relatives currently competing (especially if last names are different).
  • Guest Judge Registrations will open on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, and remain open through Monday, May 8, 2023 at 5:00pm.
  • If you have any Guest Judge Registration questions, contact the Judge Coordinator, Michelle Naylor, at thenaylorfamily@gmail.com .


For all Judge registrations, complete information must be submitted, including:

·        Full Name [without suffixes or prefixes; if a compound name, please leave no space between words; e.g. Van Wort should be listed as VanWort]

·        Email [valid email addresses only]

·        Cell phone number

·        Complete mailing address

·        Restrictions [your own club and children are automatically assumed as restrictions, so list only those other than your own club and children whom you feel you cannot impartially judge]

·        Biographical information [Profession/Experience/Background - used for the Debate Judge Bios that are displayed at the tournament]

·        For Guest Judges—the name of the CCA family who recruited should be listed in the "Recruited by" field to permit us to track met judge requirements.

If you are having trouble fulfilling your requirements, please contact the Judge Coordinator for assistance.

Judge Coordinator:  Michelle Naylor

Email: thenaylorfamily@gmail.com


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