TRPC Export Notes

  1. Download the latest version of TRPC from the website:
    These notes are current as of the version with revision date 1 October 2005.

  2. Go to the website for your tournament. Login as an administrative user for the tournament. Click on the "administration" link. Click on "Export Data".

  3. You should see an option labeled "TRPC Import Format" near the top of the page. Click on that link. The website will begin the process of preparing the various files that are necessary for use with TRPC.

  4. When the export completes, the website will list the division names that have been registered on the website. You MUST match these division names inside TRPC. After the import completes, you may rename your divisions, but until the import is complete, the division names MUST match those on the website.

    For example, you may want to have a "Varsity Lincoln-Douglas" debate division on one of your computers. The website will use a short abbreviation for each event, and may have "VLD" as the name of the division (or it could be something else like CLD or LD). For the duration of the import, the TRPC division name MUST MATCH the website division name.

    Inside TRPC, select "Format", then "Tournament Setup Options", then "Tournament Name". This screen will allow you to name the divisions that TRPC uses.

  5. Save the JOT_Debate.txt file exported by the website onto your computer. You may have the file emailed as an attachment to an account of your choosing, or you may download the file directly from the website (right click on the file and select "Save Target As").

    NOTE: There are multiple files prepared for download by the website, but you will only need the JOT_Debate.txt file for the newest versions of TRPC (revision dates beginning 1 October 2005).

  6. Inside TRPC, select "Format", then "Joy of Tournaments Upload System".

  7. Click the reddish "Load JOT_Debate.txt file" button. When prompted, locate the JOT_Debate.txt file downloaded above.

  8. Select the appropriate debate divisions that you want loaded into the current TRPC folder from the information downloaded from the website.

    If you are not going to be tabbing all of the divisions on one computer, you do not have to import the entries for all of the divisions on each computer. The import process will select only the entries and judges associated with the divisions you select.

  9. Click the blue "Import Data" button that will appear.

  10. Click the yellow button labeled "Shut Down."

  11. Restart TRPC.

  12. Once the import is complete, you'll probably need to do some cleanup work on the entries. As the entries are imported, TRPC will assign them a code. If the codes are duplicated, you'll need to fix those manually. To find the duplicates, go to "Entry", then "Enter Contestants". You can scroll thru the teams that have been imported using the "<" and ">" buttons to either side of the light blue "teams" button. As you scroll, TRPC will alert you to teams that have duplicate codings. You'll have to fix each team that is found.

  13. You will want to check the availability information for each of your judges. Scroll thru each of the judges using "Entry" and then "Enter Judges" from the menu. As you view each judge, any notes that were entered on the website will appear as notes on the judge screen. From the website, you should pull up the "View All Registered Judges" report from the [Judges] tab. Judges that have special notes or are not available for all days of the tournament will need to be visited to set the appropriate rounds of availability.