Frequently Asked Questions

How do I preview my website?
How do I make the details of my tournament visible?

Opening and Closing Registration
How do I open the website for registration?
How do I close website registration?
After I have closed registration, can I reopen it?
How many times can I open and close registration?
How do I change the date registration opens?

Website Status Codes
What does the PRIVATE status code mean?
What does the PUBLIC status code mean?
What does the OPEN status code mean?
What does the SUSP status code mean?
What does the CLOSED status code mean?
What does the ARCHIVE status code mean?

What is Account Home?
What is the Tournament Control Panel?
How do I log in?

How do I preview my website?

If your website currently has the PRIVATE status *, you may preview the website using the following steps.

  1. Log into the website
  2. After you login, you will be taken to Account Home. Find the tournament that you wish to preview in the list that appears. Click on the name of the tournament to go to the Tournament Control Panel.
  3. From Tournament Control Panel, you will see summary information about your tournament. Unless you have already changed the status of the website, your tournament will initially appear with a status of PRIVATE. In the PRIVATE status, only you as the tournament administrator may view the information for your tournament on the website. You may do so by selecting the Preview Website option that will appear in the left-hand side menu.

* The preview option is not available if the status is not currently PRIVATE.

How do I make the details of my tournament visible?

From the Tournament Control Panel, click on the Current Status label. Select PUBLIC for the New Website Status and then press the button to make the change.

How do I open the website for registration?

From the Tournament Control Panel, click on the Current Status label. Select OPEN for the New Website Status and then press the button to make the change.

How do I close website registration?

From the Tournament Control Panel, click on the Current Status label. Select CLOSED for the New Website Status and then press the button to make the change.

After I have closed registration, can I reopen it?

Absolutely. Anytime that the website status is OPEN prior to your tournament date, other users will be allowed to register. Change the status from CLOSED to OPEN and registration will be reopened.

How many times can I open and close registration?

You may change the status of the website as many times as you deem appropriate. You are in total control of when the website is open or closed.

How do I change the date registration opens?

From the Tournament Control Panel, click on the Registration Opens label. Use the date selector provided in the field labeled Registration Opens and then press the button to make the change.

What does the PRIVATE status code mean?

PRIVATE is the initial status code for the website. Only tournament administrators are able to view the website details (via preview). Other users are not allowed to view the information or to register. This status allows you to prepare the information on the website and preview it prior to making the information generally available. Once you have the details listed on the website as you want, you should change the status to PUBLIC or to OPEN.

Users that visit your tournament website will receive the following message while the status code is PRIVATE:

Additional information will be made available as provided by the tournament host

What does the PUBLIC status code mean?

The PUBLIC status code allows all users to view the information for the tournament, but disables registration. Use this status when you aren't ready for registration to open, but you want users to be able to view the details about your tournament.

What does the OPEN status code mean?

The OPEN status code allows other users to view the information for the tournament and allows registration (see exceptions below). Use this status when you are ready for registration to occur.

* exceptions:

What does the SUSP status code mean?

The SUSP status code allows all users to view the information for the tournament, but disallows registration. Users that visit the registration page for your tournament will be informed that registration has been suspended.

What does the CLOSED status code mean?

The CLOSED status code allows all users to view the information for the tournament, but disallows registration. This status indicates that no further registrations will be allowed (although you still may change the status to allow registrations).

What does the ARCHIVE status code mean?

The ARCHIVE status code indicates that the data for your tournament has been removed from the website and placed in archive storage. Tournament data is generally archived approximately 2 weeks after the conclusion of the tournament. You may request for the data to be temporarily restored if necessary.

What is Account Home?

Account Home is the page that will list information about your "account" on the website. If you are a tournament administrator, you will be presented with a link allowing you to edit the details of your tournament website.

Account Home is the first page you will see after logging in on the website. You can also reach Account Home by clicking on the appropriate link from the Tournament Control Panel

What is the Tournament Control Panel?

The tournament control panel allows you to manage the website related to a specific tournament. From the control panel, you can:

You can reach the Tournament Control Panel from Account Home by clicking on the name of a tournament. You will not be allowed access to the Tournament Control Panel if you do not have administrative privileges for a tournament.

How do I log in?

Browse to Enter email address and password. Click on the login button.

Copyright © 2004 Brent Hinkle. All rights reserved.